Engagement API - Easily access a creator’s proof of work

Getting access to the creator's proof of work is beneficial for many creators and companies building tools and services for creators.

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Proof of Work in the creator economy

The content produced by creators is their work, and their proof of work is the audience engagement that comes with it. Creators around the world are gaining immense traction but their audience and engagement are boxed into specific platforms. Additionally, proving their social media influence comes with its share of challenges. Creators want a simple way to show off their engagement - likes, shares, comments, views, and so on - as proof of their work. 

Creators and businesses working with creators, both, want to prove this with a high level of accuracy and authenticity - using platform APIs is the only way to truly validate a creator’s proof of work with confidence.

Why do developers need access to creators’ proof of work?

👧 To create an interactive creator profile on the platform

With access to creators’ content, developers can create a rich, interactive profile of the creator on their platform, complete with multimedia content. An interactive profile create a better user experience, empowers the creator by putting them in charge, and helps them attract more visitors and engagement to the website.

📈 To share campaign performance with brands:

Creators have to constantly provide proof of work across because brands rely on engagement details across platforms to determine campaign success.

Creators also require engagement data to confirm payment - many brands pay per like or share, but some also pay per impression. Brands would need access to the creator's engagement data to prove the impression count.

💰 To help creators get better financial service:

Creators require access to financial services (loan, insurance, etc.), and these service providers require proof of work. For salaried people, banks ask for a salary slip and a company letter. Creators do not have these documents. All they have to show is a number of followers. Simply showing the number of followers does not work because the internet is prone to a large number of phoney followers. Audience engagement provides true proof of work, and is the only way for creators to prove their credibility to financial institutions.

💼 To assist creators build and update their portfolio:

Creators must pitch their updated portfolios to gain brand endorsements, and updating the portfolio on a regular basis becomes a laborious process. Creators want a simple way to collect all of their best work in one place.

💸 To create dynamic pricing for creators’ assets:

Although most creators have a multi-platform presence, their fans may only follow them on one or two. Fans purchasing creator NFTs/tokens would want to see the creator’s proof of work because the more popular/engaged the creator, the higher the price of the NFT and their investment.

This isn't just limited to NFTs or digital assets. Assume a creator opens a merchandise store and releases a limited edition of a certain collection; as the creator's value grows, so will the value of these collections.

🪴To enable social commerce:

Creators share affiliate links or endorsed product links across platforms. With access to their proof of work, developers can import content seamlessly from different platforms and convert it into shoppable content, thus boosting platform engagement.

Proof of work? No more in the murk with Phyllo’s Engagement API

At Phyllo, we provide a data pipe using which developers can easily get access to creator consented data like campaign insights and follower metrics across platforms.

Using Phyllo’s native authorization, developers can provide a way to let users connect and grant access to their data from within the developer app itself. Once granted, developers can use our REST APIs to retrieve information about a creator's engagement on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, OpenSea, Discord, Shopify, Substack, and so many others.

The content items shared include links, publishing status, and reputation attributes including likes, impressions, reach, etc.

Engagement API powers many use cases, such as:

Measuring campaign success across platforms. Brands can easily measure the performance of a campaign if they have access to a creator's proof of work.

Offering better financial services to creators. Financial orgs can easily verify a creator’s work and offer suitable support - be it loans, insurance, or anything else.

Discovering a creator through the creator's assets on a commerce store. Assume someone searching for a specific product on a website comes across a great product by some creator and enjoys it so much that they begin browsing other products by the same creator.

Enabling dynamic pricing for creator assets. Any asset, whether digital (such as NFTs) or material (such as t-shirts), can have a dynamic price based on the creator's reputation. The asset's price rises in proportion to its creator’s reputation.

Enabling ease of distribution across platforms. A creator creates both free and paid content for platforms such as YouTube, Patreon, Skillshare, and others. The paid course on Patreon will be available to Patreon supporters, but to monetize via other platforms, the creator would need to add the paid course separately there. If the proof of work is available as a single API, creators could use a single API to distribute their paid courses across multiple platforms easily.

➡️ To learn more about Engagement API, schedule a call with our team.

Ambarish Ganesh

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