
Phyllo’s product suite covers everything you need to build robust applications in the influencer marketing and creator economy space. Depending on your exact use case, we offer customized plans.

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Leading companies building for the creator economy choose Phyllo

A single API to power all your use cases

Complete API suite

We help you find verified influencers, measure campaign performance and ROI, and understand fan demographics, all in a systematic manner

Superior developer experience

Phyllo takes care of data normalization, platform partnerships, app approvals and webhooks, ensuring a smooth development process

Best-in-class security

We follow best in-class security practices such as SOC 2 Type 1 compliance to ensure optimal handling of sensitive customer data

Coverage over 20+ platforms

Get normalized data access across 20+ social platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, as well as other long-tail apps

Track all influencer types

Be it nano-influencers or celebrities with follower counts in millions, you can count on Phyllo for accurate influencer data

Instagram Stories data

Phyllo is the only platform that provides 100% accurate and consented data across content formats such as IG Stories, Reels and YT Shorts

Instant support across channels

You get 24x7 support via email, chat and Discord. We also provide a named account manager and an SLA of 3-6 business hours

Thorough API documentation

Our comprehensive API documentation covers every possible use case and implementation questions you might have

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Customer testimonials

“Phyllo has enabled us to access creator data from a large number of platforms on day 1 rather than going and integrating with each platform; that was not feasible for us and would have taken a lot of time and effort.”

Till Musshoff
Cofounder, Control Console

“Phyllo helped us build faster and easier by abstracting away the various social media platform developer APIs. Phyllo powers our social analytics features allowing us to focus on product instead of infrastructure. They are constantly adding new functionality which enables us to drive more value to our end users.”

Neal Jean
Cofounder, Beacons

“Creator Platform integration is an important part of our infrastructure and we have offloaded all of this to Phyllo so that we’re able to focus on our core algorithms and platform without worrying about the infrastructure. Integrating with them is quick and their documentation makes our job really easy”

Rupesh Raj
Cofounder, Jelly

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