The depth that your influencer shortlisting process needs.
The depth that your influencer shortlisting process needs.

Dig into the attributes that reliably contribute to successful partnerships.

The influencer marketing OGs trust Phyllo.

How brand fit works

Brand Fit score

Based on creator profile’s aesthetic similarity with your brand, shared attributes and values, and overlapping interests.


To weed out poor lighting, low-pixel and poor definition, and other quality issues.

similarity score

Based on the shared emotions and tones in the influencer’s content. Also identify the primary attributes of the influencer’s personality.

Similarity Score

As per the values shared between the brand and influencer. Helps you identify the topics and themes the influencer generally engages in, and if these are relevant to the brand.

Drive revenue through online partnerships

Work with influencers who have proven records of driving sales for partner brands. Identify the attributes of their audience for refined targeting.

Audience Demographics

Such as age, gender, geolocation to help reach new audiences that are relevant to your brand and product.

Real vs Fake followers breakdown

Demystifies calculating realistic reach; you can truly see the quality of an influencer’s followers instead of trusting a number that makes no sense.

Purchase Intent Score

For influencers to help you understand which influencers drive sales and revenue for the brands tehy’ve partnered with

Best-in-class security
for scalability

Enterprise grade security
with GDPR compliance,
SOC II certification, and more.

API-lead process

Developer-first APIs, ready to plug and play. Best-in-class documentation and 24*7 support.

Reliable beyond

99.99% availability. Yep.

Establish strong value fitment between a brand and influencer within minutes.