Best Facebook Demographics that Matter to Marketers 2024

This article provides backed data to explore Facebook audience demographics. We'll delve into key statistics and insights that will give you a clearer picture of who’s on Facebook and how you can effectively reach them.

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Are you on Facebook?

If you ask this question to 10 people, 3 to 4 would likely say yes. After all, about 37% of the world’s population is on Facebook. This massive reach makes Facebook an attractive platform for marketers looking to connect with a broad audience.

But does this mean your target audience is on Facebook? Most likely, yes. However, assumptions don’t work in marketing—you need accurate data to answer this question. Simply knowing that a large portion of the global population uses Facebook isn’t enough. You need to understand the specific demographics, behaviors, and preferences of Facebook users to determine if they align with your target market.

To help you, this article provides backed data to explore Facebook audience demographics. We'll delve into key statistics and insights that will give you a clearer picture of who’s on Facebook and how you can effectively reach them. Let's dive into some fascinating statistics and insights.

Why Understanding Facebook Demographics is Key to Creating a Successful Marketing Strategy?

Before we dive into the data, let’s first understand why having accurate demographic information is vital for your marketing and social media strategy here. Knowing who uses Facebook and how they interact with the platform can help you tailor your marketing strategies more effectively. It allows you to:

  • Target Your Ads: Ensure your advertisements reach the right audience, improving conversion rates and return on investment (ROI).
  • Create Relevant Content: Develop content that resonates with your audience’s interests, increasing engagement and brand loyalty.
  • Allocate Resources Efficiently: Focus your marketing budget and efforts on the most promising segments of the Facebook user base.
  • Stay Competitive: Keep up with market trends and competitor strategies by understanding the demographic shifts and preferences on Facebook.

With this foundation, let's explore the essential Facebook demographics that matter to marketers in 2024.

General Facebook Demographics

Here are some general Facebook demographics that you should know about.

Facebook's Daily Active Users Grew by 5% in 2023

Facebook user growth rate
Facebook’s current daily active user growth rate is around 5.1% year-over-year, up from 4.4% in 2022. Source: Backlinko

According to Reuters, Facebook's daily active users (DAUs) grew by 5% in 2023, reaching 2.08 billion monthly active users by Q3 2023.

4 Million Facebook Posts Were Liked Every Minute in 2023

Statista reports that an average of 4 million posts were liked every minute on Facebook in 2023. This staggering amount of activity showcases the platform's potential for reach and engagement with a well-crafted digital marketing strategy. Drives the Majority of Facebook Referral Traffic is the top driver for Facebook referral traffic, accounting for 6.75% of all referrals in April 2023. follows closely with 4.49% of referrals. Overall, referral traffic accounted for less than 2% of all traffic to Facebook.

Bullying and Harassment on the Platform is in Decline

Facebook has been actively removing content related to bullying or harassment. In 2023, Facebook's proactive rate on bullying and harassment increased from 65.8% in Q2 to 87.8% in Q3. An estimated 8.3 million pieces of content were removed between July and September 2023.

Facebook Page Users Prefer Image-Based Posts

Image-based posts on Facebook pages receive the highest engagement rates. In 2023, image posts had an interaction rate of 0.12%, compared to 0.03% for link posts. Overall, the average Facebook page fan engagement with posts was 0.07%.

Most Post Views Come from User Friends, Groups, and Pages

In Q3 2023, 65% of post views on Facebook came from posts shared by friends, groups, or pages followed by users. In-feed recommendations like ads or suggested content accounted for 35% of post views.

Facebook Users Are Likely to Use Other Apps in Meta's Family

  • Facebook users often engage with Meta's other apps:
  • 72.2% of Facebook users also use WhatsApp
  • 78.1% of Facebook users also use Instagram
  • Facebook users are least likely to use TikTok and Snapchat, which generally attract a younger audience.

Facebook Remains a Bipartisan News Channel

According to Pew Research Center, Facebook is one of the few social media platforms where news consumers are relatively balanced between Democrats and Republicans. This makes Facebook a key source of news for both sides of the political spectrum.

The Facebook App Was Downloaded 413 Million Times in 2022

Facebook's popularity continues to grow, as evidenced by 413 million downloads in 2022. This highlights the platform's enduring appeal and its ability to adapt and remain relevant.

Over 1 Billion People Use Facebook Marketplace

Since its launch in 2016, Facebook Marketplace has grown substantially and is now used by over 1 billion people worldwide, making it a significant player in the buy-and-sell market.

Facebook Removed 1.3 Billion Fake Accounts in Q4 2022

Facebook regularly removes fake accounts to maintain the platform's integrity. In Q4 2022 alone, 1.3 billion fake accounts were removed, a significant decrease from the 2.2 billion fake accounts removed in Q1 2019.

Facebook Demographics by Geography

Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the planet with over 3 billion users. Now if we talk about the geography of the users, here are some stats you need to know about-

Facebook Dominates App Downloads Worldwide

Facebook consistently ranks among the top apps downloaded globally. Both Facebook Messenger and the Facebook app frequently top the Google Play Store's download charts, solidifying Facebook’s position as a leading app publisher.

Facebook: The Most Used Social Media Platform in the United States

In the U.S., Facebook accounts for around 50% of all social media site visits, making it the most used popular social media platform by a significant margin. Instagram and Pinterest follow, ranking second and third respectively.

Facebook Penetration in the UK: Over 77% of the Population

In the United Kingdom, more than 77% of the population are active Facebook users. With an estimated population of 67.33 million, approximately 52 million people in the UK use Facebook regularly.

India: Home to the Largest Facebook User Base

India boasts the highest concentration of Facebook users, with nearly 315 million active users. If India's Facebook audience were a country, it would rank third in the world by population. Other major markets for Facebook monthly active users include the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil.

Leading countries based on Facebook audience size as of April 2024. Source: Statista
Leading countries based on Facebook audience size as of April 2024. Source: Statista

Facebook's Revenue Per User in North America: $56.11

In 2023, Facebook’s average revenue per user (ARPU) in North America stands at $56.11. This contrasts sharply with the Asia-Pacific region, where the ARPU is $5.12.

U.S. and Canada: Major Sources of Meta’s Ad Revenue

Meta's data reveals that nearly 50% of its ad revenue comes from the U.S. and Canada, despite these regions only comprising about 23% of its total user base.

Facebook’s Reach Among U.S. Internet Users: 71.43%

An estimated 71.43% of U.S. internet users engage with Facebook regularly. This significant penetration underscores Facebook’s ongoing popularity and extensive reach. Projections indicate this number could rise to around 75% of facebook daily active users by 2027.

Pro Tip: If your target audience fits these Facebook demographics, you’re accessing a highly engaged user base.

Top U.S. Facebook Pages: LADBible and UNILAD

In the U.S., LADBible and UNILAD are the most popular Facebook pages, with 140.4 million and 123.5 million content viewers respectively. Together, the top twenty Facebook pages accounted for 0.9% of all U.S. content views in Q2 and Q3 of 2023.

Beyond the Numbers: A Regional Look

While geographic data provides a general picture, a closer look unveils the unique characteristics of each region:

  • North America: The US remains a major Facebook market, but growth has slowed down as the platform reaches saturation. Demographics here skew slightly male, with a concentration in the 25-34 age group.
  • Europe: Similar to North America, Facebook usage in Europe is high, with slower growth. Here, the platform caters to a diverse range of age groups and genders.
  • Asia-Pacific: This region experiences explosive growth, driven by countries like India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The user base here tends to be younger, with a significant portion falling under 35 years old.
  • Latin America: Facebook usage in Latin America is on the rise, particularly in Brazil and Mexico. The demographics here are diverse, with a strong mobile presence due to high smartphone penetration.
  • Africa: Though internet penetration is still developing in Africa, Facebook user numbers are growing rapidly. Here, the platform serves as a vital communication tool and a gateway to information.

Facebook Age Demographics

Facebook Age Demographics

Facebook is the Least Popular Platform for Gen Z and Millennials in the U.S.

Most used social media platforms among Gen Z and internet users worldwide as of September 2023. Source: Statista
Most used social media platforms among Gen Z and internet users worldwide as of September 2023. Source: Statista

Despite Facebook's overall popularity in the United States, it is one of the least preferred platforms among Gen Z and Millennials. These younger users tend to favor platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube over Facebook.

3 in 10 U.S. Adults Get Their News on Facebook

Facebook continues to be a major news source for many Americans, with three in ten U.S. adults reporting that they regularly get their news from the platform. This is higher than any other social media site, with YouTube coming in second place at 26%. However, in Canada, news is currently banned on Facebook and Instagram due to the passing of Bill C-18, the Online News Act, which came into effect in 2023.

Most Facebook Messenger Users are Between 25-34 Years Old

The largest age group for Facebook Messenger users in the U.S. is between 25 and 34 years old, making up 23.4% of all users. The second-largest age group is 35-44 year-olds, accounting for 20.8% of Messenger’s audience. This mirrors Facebook’s overall audience demographics.

Teens in Low-Income Households Use Facebook More

Despite a general decline in teen usage, Facebook remains more popular among teens from low-income households. Approximately 45% of teens in households earning less than $30,000 a year use Facebook, compared to only 27% of teens from households earning over $75,000 annually.

Facebook Gender Demographics

Understanding how Facebook users across genders interact with the platform is crucial for tailoring your marketing strategies effectively. Here are some key insights into Facebook's gender demographics.

More Than 56% of Facebook Users Are Male

Recent data from Statista reveals that 56.3% of Facebook users identify as male, while 43.7% identify as female. Although this dataset does not account for non-binary users, it provides a general understanding of the gender breakdown on Facebook.

Women Consume the Most News on Facebook

A significant 62% of women regularly consume news on Facebook, making it a vital platform for reaching female audiences with news content. In contrast, men prefer other social media platforms, such as Reddit (67%), X (formerly Twitter) (62%), and YouTube (58%).

Men Aged 25-34 Make Up Facebook’s Largest Audience

Men between the ages of 25 and 34 represent Facebook’s largest audience segment, accounting for 17.6% of global users. Additionally, men aged 18 to 24 form Facebook’s second-largest audience base, highlighting the platform's appeal among younger male users.

55% of Women in the U.S. Use Facebook Messenger

In the U.S., women constitute the majority of Facebook Messenger users, making up 55% of the total user base. This indicates that Messenger is a preferred communication tool among women in the United States.

Beyond the Numbers: Usage Patterns

While the gender gap exists, usage patterns can differ between genders:

  • Content Preferences: Women might gravitate towards content focused on relationships, families, and lifestyle, whereas men might favor news, sports, and entertainment.
  • Engagement Styles: Women might be more likely to share personal experiences and engage in discussions within groups, while men might prefer passive content consumption or quick updates.

Regional Variations

The gender breakdown can vary significantly depending on location. Here's a glimpse into some regions:

  • North America: The US, despite being Facebook's birthplace, leans slightly female. Estimates suggest women comprise roughly 53.7% of Facebook users here, with men at 46.3%.
  • Asia-Pacific: This region, with its explosive user growth, skews slightly male. India, a major Facebook market, reflects this trend with a user base predominantly male.
  • Europe: This continent boasts a more balanced user base. Countries like Germany see an almost even split, with females accounting for around 50.1% and males at 49.9%.


1. Why is understanding Facebook demographics crucial for marketers?

Understanding Facebook demographics allows marketers to target their ads more effectively, create relevant content, allocate resources efficiently, and stay competitive by adapting to market trends and audience preferences.

2. What is the current growth trend of Facebook's daily and number of monthly active+ users?

As of Q3 2023, Facebook's daily active users (DAUs) grew by 5%, reaching 2.08 billion. This highlights the platform's continued growth and relevance.

3. How significant is the engagement on Facebook posts?

In 2023, an average of 4 million posts were liked every minute on Facebook, indicating a high level of user engagement and the potential for reach with well-crafted marketing strategies.

4. What is the gender breakdown of Facebook users?

Recent data from Statista reveals that 56.3% of Facebook users identify as male, while 43.7% identify as female. This information is essential for tailoring marketing strategies to different gender segments.

5. How does Facebook compare as a news source among U.S. adults?

Facebook remains a major news source for many Americans, with three in ten U.S. adults reporting that they regularly get their news from the platform. This makes Facebook an important channel for reaching news consumers across the political spectrum.

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Charu Mitra Dubey
Content Marketing Lead at GetPhyllo with 6+ years of digital marketing experience. Founder of CopyStash, a weekly newsletter on marketing.

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