Key Challenges For Creator Economy Tools Going Forward

As the digital content economy grows, platforms and tools that facilitate the connection of creators and their audiences are becoming increasingly important. We've seen many businesses sprout up in this space, but not all have succeeded. Today, we’ll look at some critical challenges for creator economy tools.

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The creator economy is still a nascent industry but one where a significant number of new creators, tools, and business models are emerging.

As the digital content economy grows, platforms and tools that facilitate the connection of creators and their audiences are becoming increasingly important. This brewing diversity of economic models and tools is helping creators democratize their access to money with the help of social networks and the Internet.

​​However, this diversity creates new challenges for businesses that must navigate an ever-changing landscape of opportunities, income streams, and success.

We've seen many businesses sprout up in this space, but not all have succeeded. Today, we’ll look at some critical challenges for creator economy tools.

5 challenges when building for the creator economy

1. Convincing creators to choose your tool instead of other tools

The creator economy is changing fast as new tools and services emerge daily. 

But there are only so many hours in the day. So how do you convince creators to use your tool rather than others?

It's certainly possible for a creator to have multiple tools in their toolbox. But for the most part, creators will tend to use one tool for each type of task they need to perform. For example, if they use WordPress for their blog, they probably won't use Squarespace.

This means that tools compete with each other for the attention and loyalty of creators. 

This, in turn, can be confusing for creators who are looking for ways to improve their creative businesses but don’t know which solutions will work well for them (and which ones will waste their time).

Furthermore, most creators already have a workflow they’re happy with, so it can be hard to persuade them to switch to something new. 

That’s why new tools need to offer features that are genuinely useful and not just different.

2. Creator privacy and data safety

The creator economy is still relatively new, and many platforms have not had time to develop detailed privacy and data security policies.

If there’s one thing anyone can quickly point out about most creator economy platforms today is this — they are all data-hungry to monetize their ad potential in the most profitable way possible.

Many platforms provide users with tools that help protect their data while using the platform (e.g., privacy settings). However, there are yet to be industry-wide standards for user protection in place yet. Some issues may still arise due to different approaches taken by various companies. 

For example, how should platforms protect minors who use their services, or how should they deal with complaints about inappropriate content posted by users?  

Furthermore, third parties often exploit creators’ lack of control over their content without their consent or knowledge. This can happen through copyright theft and other means, such as data tracking and identification.

The creators of tomorrow need tools that protect them from data breaches while allowing them to profit from their work in a way that feels fair and honest to the community they serve.

3. Understanding the legalities and compliance issues around creator contracts and interactions

It's equally important to understand how data should flow between creators and platforms — especially regarding user privacy standards like GDPR.

Another challenge related to legalities is that not all data privacy laws apply equally — especially when it comes to data collection from users in different regions of the world.

4. Multi-platform complexity of creator ecosystems

The creator economy is a complex ecosystem with many moving parts, and it’s only getting more complex as new technologies emerge.

Creators increasingly have to manage multiple platforms for different services, each with its own rules and restrictions. Several different data-sharing, revenue-sharing, and compensation approaches exist across different platforms.

Earlier, building for this economy meant integrating with just Instagram or YouTube. However, today, multiple platforms, including TikTok, Twitter, Twitch, Pinterest, Discord, Substack, LinkedIn, OnlyFans, Spotify, Cameo, and more, are all equally important - which means more engineering bandwidth!

And so, you either spend a lot of resources on integrating with platforms you are not sure will give returns or live with the risk of losing out to creators.

5. Constant data collection and privacy policy changes by primary creator platforms

This means that as developers build tools based on specific APIs, data sets, and policies, they may find out later that they can no longer use these resources because they were updated — or even shut down altogether.

In light of recent privacy policy changes by Meta, many creator economy tools are now reconsidering how they collect data on their users and what they do with it once they have it. 

These constant modifications lead one to ponder the following questions -

  • How will these changes affect future tools? 
  • Will platforms need to make additional changes? 
  • And if so, what would these changes entail?

The Creator Economy needs scalable, flexible, and reliable core technology

The creator economy is still in its early days, but it’s already clear that the tools used by creators to manage their businesses are just as necessary as the content they produce.

At Phyllo, we provide the most reliable yet robust creator economy data infrastructure system.

Also read: Build vs. Buy - Social Media API Integrations For The Creator Economy.

We want you to get continuous access to verified, creator-consented data across hundreds of platforms without much hassle so you can focus on building your product to empower this new and budding ecosystem.

Schedule a call with us to learn more about how Phyllo can empower your business in the creator economy.

Want to test the waters before you go ahead? Sign up for a free account to access creator data with Phyllo APIs.

Hiba Fathima

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