Track any content format on any channel

Find the social data points that are your gamechangers.

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Build the discovery flow you want

Dig deep without spending hours on it. Find any data points you’re looking for: engagement metrics, demographics info, contact details, and much more.

Uncover more intel faster

Supercharge your capabilities with APIs that identify contact details, profiles with similar engagement metrics, and even empower campaign tracking.

Detect the emotion in social conversation

Understand what feelings users are expressing on social media.Follow the threads of conversations by tracking trends, hashtags, and keywords to build reports on brands and competitors.

Screen content for GARM-compliance

Check any content for violations like violence, nudity, hate speech, or anything inappropriate, across the text, audio, and video components.

Why industry leaders trust Phyllo

Instant access to all APIs
Faster GTM & time to value for you
Save 80% of your infra costs
Faster GTM and time-to-value
Always up-to-date
Premium 24/7 support, truly unmatched

Ready to get started?

Sign up to request API keys or ask us for a demo