Understanding Data-Driven Influencer Marketing: Data Breadth and Depth

While it's no secret that data-driven influencer marketing is crucial in today's marketing landscape, the real question is: what kind of data do you need to achieve your goals? Do you focus on breadth, casting a wide net to gather as much information as possible? Or do you analyze specific metrics to understand your audience and influencers better?

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Looking to build a successful influencer marketing campaign? It's time to talk data. 

While it's no secret that data-driven influencer marketing is crucial in today's marketing landscape, the real question is: what kind of data do you need to achieve your goals? 

Do you focus on breadth, casting a wide net to gather as much information as possible? 

Or do you analyze specific metrics to understand your audience and influencers better?

Understanding Data-Driven Influencer Marketing: Data Breadth and Depth

Data Breadth

Data breadth in influencer marketing refers to the range of data sources and metrics used to gain a broad understanding of the influencer landscape, social media trends, and audience behavior. This includes collecting data from various sources such as social media platforms, search engines, and website analytics to gain a comprehensive market view.

For example, if you're looking at an influencer's Instagram account, data breadth would include -

  • Number of followers
  • The total number of posts
  • Number of active platforms
  • How many brands they've collaborated with, etc.

The Phyllo APIs securely provide all these data points. Check it out here.

Importance of data breadth in influencer marketing

  • Determine if an influencer is a good fit for the brand with a surface-level analysis

Data breadth is a surface-level analysis of your influencers' content and engagement that helps you determine if an influencer is a good fit for the brand with a quick glance. 

  • Access to newer markets

Data breadth provides access to newer markets and allows you to explore new horizons in your business. It helps you reach out to new customers who have not yet been exposed to your brand. 

Data Depth

Data depth in influencer marketing refers to the in-depth analysis of specific metrics and data points to better understand audience behavior and influencer performance. This includes collecting granular data such as engagement, click-through, and conversion rates to identify specific patterns and trends.

For example, if you're looking at an influencer's Instagram account, data depth would include -

  • How many times they post per day/week/month
  • How often they engage with their audience (likes, comments)
  • What kind of content they post (photos, videos, lifestyle posts)
  • What’s their creator affinity score
  • Follower demographics (their audience breakdown by gender, age group, location), etc.

The Phyllo APIs securely provide all these data points. Check it out here.

Importance of data depth in influencer marketing

  • Enhanced tracking

By leveraging data depth in influencer marketing, brands can gain a more granular understanding of the effectiveness of their influencer partnerships and content strategies. They can use this information to refine their messaging, content, and targeting to better resonate with their desired audience. Additionally, data depth can help identify potential areas for improvement and optimize their influencer marketing campaigns for maximum ROI.

  • Long-term partnerships with influencers

The more info you can find on an influencer, the better understanding you'll have of them as a person and how they might fit into your brand strategy.

  • Targeted audience

Data depth is all about getting to know your audience. It can help you understand your audience and what they want from their brands. It can help you target specific segments or niches within a particular market segment more accurately.

Want to leverage these different data points to maximize your influencer marketing returns? 

Check out how Phyllo helped Creator.co onboard only verified creators and tracks how their content performs across different formats.

Schedule a call to get started in your journey of data-driven influencer marketing campaigns with Phyllo’s powerful API.

Finding the Right Balance Between Data-Depth and Data-Breadth

It's easy to get caught up in the influencer marketing industry's nuances and forget that, at the end of the day, all you really want is to get the most reach for your money. Here are a few reasons why using both data breadth and depth metrics can help you achieve that quicker -

1. Create a fool-proof influencer database

You can leverage simple data breadth analysis to create an influencer database. You can easily collect all the information about each influencer to choose the best ones for your campaign. This way, you won't have to miss any potential connections or opportunities.

But once you have that database, how do you decide which influencers are worth collaborating with? 

You could just go with whoever's most popular or has the most followers, but that doesn't guarantee relevance or success for your campaign. To find the right influencers, you need to dig deeper into that influencer’s content, performance, and affinity. Relevant data depth metrics like target audience, audience demographics, affinity scores, etc., can help you identify those with relevant niches who will most likely be interested in your offering and also help you boost conversions.

2. Target the right people and maximize reach

When you're looking at maximizing reach, it makes sense to try out a variety of platforms and see what works best for your goals. This is a good strategy if you're starting out with influencer marketing or if your goal is simply to get as much exposure for your brand as possible across multiple platforms.

A simple analysis using an influencer's data breadth metrics (reach, audience size, etc.) can help you get this overview.

So, in this case, data breadth revolves around the number of platforms where you are targeting influencers for your brand or campaign. For example, if you’re targeting influencers on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat—you have a very wide reach. However, each platform has its own unique audience (some are more engaged than others), and each platform has its own advertising rules—so not all audiences are created equal!

Data depth revolves around the quality of your influencers and audience—the more engaged they are with your brand or product, the better results you will get from them. 

So when we talk about data depth in this context, we mean a highly engaged audience with your brand/product such that they will be willing to spread the word about you as much as possible—and they will do so because they care about you deeply.

3. Optimize engagement and conversions

Data breadth can help you gather information about your target audience across multiple channels, platforms, and sources. This includes their age, gender, interests, and other details. 

Breadth analysis is important for influencer marketing because it helps you identify which platforms your target audience is most active on and tailor your messaging to each platform's unique audience and features. 

This way, you can get a lot more "bang for your buck" by focusing on one or two platforms where your target audience is active.

This might seem counterintuitive at first: wouldn't it be better to cast as wide a net as possible? But considering that most social media users check their favorite platforms multiple times a day, focusing on a few key ones makes sense rather than spreading yourself thin across many different ones. And adding a hint of personalization in these platforms will only do good things for your marketing efforts.

Remember, more is always better when it comes to (quality) data. So, the more information you have about your audience, the better your targeting will be and the more likely they are to engage with your content or purchase something from your brand.

Data depth gives you a detailed picture of your (potential) consumer. A deep understanding of what motivates your target audience allows you to create more personalized content that resonates with them. It also allows you to better anticipate their needs and preferences, which can lead to more effective marketing campaigns in the long run. 

Check out how Phyllo helped Beacons add support for multiple creator platforms without increasing their infrastructure overhead while building beautiful, shareable media kits for their creators.

4. Stay on top of trends in influencer marketing

The world of influencer marketing is constantly evolving. To stay up to date on trends in influencer marketing, social media platforms, and your industry, it's essential to have a nuanced approach to your data collection and analysis. 

You could track relevant hashtags, conversations, and trends. This can help you identify emerging influencers, popular topics, and trending content.

5. Conduct market research

Market research is one of the most critical steps in influencer marketing. It allows you to understand your audience deeply and the issues they care about, which will help you identify the right influencers to reach out to.

It's important to choose the right research method for your goals.

Here are some things you can do to help you get started -

  • Identify your target audience - Use information such as demographics, location, interests, audience lookalikes, and behaviors.
  • Discover niche influencers quickly - To discover niche influencers, you can look at creator and audience lookalike data of more popular influencers and easily find people who would otherwise be hard to be found naturally.
  • Understand how much these audiences resonate with niche influencers - Draw up a detailed analysis by looking into metrics like affinity scores. You could also leverage the audience information of a famous niche influencer trusted by most of your target audience to create buyer personas without hassle.
  • Research how your audience communicates with their peers -  If they're most active on social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, then that's where you'll want to focus most of your efforts. Suppose they communicate primarily through forums or chat rooms. In that case, those are the platforms you'll want to monitor closely and conduct a thorough sentiment analysis of your (or similar) products, etc.
  • Look at how much time your audience spends online daily—and what websites they frequent most frequently - Are they mostly focused on entertainment or business news? Do they spend hours on social media every day? Or do they only spend a few minutes here and there checking up on their favorite celebrities' Instagram feeds?

6. Collect ephemeral data like Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories allow creators to create a deeper connection with consumers on the platform by providing an additional channel (that’s much more personal) for them to engage with followers. This increases brand awareness and encourages customers to purchase or download apps from their website or app store page.

Hence, it is natural for a creator/business to want access to Instagram Stories data -

  • To analyze how well a creator’s stories perform compared to other accounts in their industry or vertical
  • To monitor the performance of all influencers who promote a business’s products
  • To make data-driven decisions about future content creation efforts

However, such data collection can be quite tricky -

  • Accurate third-party data scraping is not possible for Instagram Stories
  • To collect authenticated data, linking accounts with the developer’s app is a mandate
  • Facebook doesn’t provide necessary story webhooks for all creator accounts

Check out how Phyllo solves this problem here.

Phyllo is your one-stop influencer marketing data infrastructure solution

Phyllo is your one-stop influencer marketing data infrastructure solution

Phyllo offers the perfect mix of data depth and breadth to power use cases in the influencer marketing industry. Here are some of the key features we offer -

  • Identity: This Phyllo product is used to access the creators' profile information.
  • Audience: It is a sub-product of Phyllo under Identity that gets access to creators' audience demographics information.
  • Engagement: This product gives access to the creator's content information, including actual content, URL, number of likes, comments, shares, etc.
  • Income: It gives access to creators' income information.
  • Publish: This Phyllo product lets you publish content on an influencer account, including images, videos, texts, and a combination.

Check out the different data points Phyllo APIs give you access to here.

Phyllo is already empowering many influencer marketing businesses. Here are a few you can look into -

  • Phyllo helped Creator.co onboard only verified creators and tracks how their content performs across different formats
  • Phyllo helped Beacons add support for multiple creator platforms without increasing their infrastructure overhead while building beautiful, shareable media kits for their creators
  • Phyllo helped Creative Juice create a streamlined account connection experience for their creators across multiple creator platforms

Schedule a call to learn more about how Phyllo can empower your influencer marketing business.

Want to test the waters before you go ahead? Sign up for a free account to access influencer marketing data with Phyllo APIs.

Hiba Fathima

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