Everything You Need To Know About YouTube Influencer Analytics

There are Youtube influencer analytics you must look at to collect more details about the influencers.This article will teach you the importance of finding the right metrics to onboard perfect influencers who’ll amplify your brand’s voice and message to their audience.

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Your attention has been drawn to YouTube shorts by different influencers. As a marketer, you had a thought, “I liked this storytelling concept in YouTube shorts. Our brand also needs a similar concept to spread brand awareness.”

Even though this is a good starting point, it’s still far from finding good influencers who will promote your brand’s vision and bring in more traffic and revenue. There are Youtube influencer analytics you must look at to collect more details about the influencers.

This article will teach you the importance of finding the right metrics to onboard perfect influencers who’ll amplify your brand’s voice and message to their audience.

YouTube shorts created by influencers that caught your attention. As a marketer, you thought, "I liked this storytelling concept in YouTube shorts. Our brand also needs a similar concept to spread brand awareness."

This is a good starting point, but far from finding the right influencers. You must go deeper to find creators who promote your brand's vision and goals. You must look at YouTube influencer analytics to collect more details about them.

This article will discuss different metrics you should track to vet influencers.

YouTube influencer metrics: why should you care?

YouTube offers what viewers want — a platform with diverse content catering to every age group. This offering is amplified by influencers as they reach millions of people daily.

To find these influencers, you need to get your Sherlock Holmes mode on and analyze metrics to vet them. This will help you get the following benefits:

  • Improved targeting through better audience understanding

The influencer's audience must match your target audience. If it doesn't, you'll risk your money and time. So, by tracking the metrics, you can analyze the audience demographic and develop more targeted campaign ideas.

  • Improved influencer campaign planning

YouTube metrics offer a deep dive into what kind of content topic performs well on YouTube and engages more people. For instance, do you want to share a product unboxing video or a behind the scene youtube video? You can plan successful campaigns based on metrics such as video retention and view count.

  • Save money by detecting fake influencers

There are avenues through which many people buy subscribers, likes, and even comments which are nothing but a deception. It's easy to fall into these traps if you don't know which metrics to look for to find the genuine influencer.

Related Read: The Epidemic of Fake Influencers and their Fake Followers

8 YouTube metrics to track and how to find

Here is a list of Youtube metrics you should track to find the right influencer:

1. Subscribers count

This metric shows the value and reach of an influencer. It shows the total number of people following that influencer's channel, and in a way, it shows the potential reach of your campaign.

To find this metric go to the influencer's profile. You'll see the total number of subscribers below their usernames. Check the snapshot below.

2. View count

This metric tells you the popularity of the influencers as it shows you the total views garnered by the influencer's all videos to date. Total view count can help assess the reach of the influencer's video. A higher number means more impressions.

To get this number, go to the influencer's About section and see their joining date and total views to date under the Stats section.

3. Engagement rate

Add likes, shares, and comments and divide by the total number of views to calculate the engagement rate. This metric tells you how engaged an influencer's audience is with their content.

Engagement rate = (Likes+Comments+Share/total views)*100

Phyllo's engagement API eliminates the need for a manual calculator. It offers an overview of every creator's engagement rate.

4. Audience demographics

This metric gives you an inside scoop into the age, gender, profession, nationality, etc., of the influencer's audience. You can ask an influencer to share this data with you, give you an overview, or use analytics tools like Google Analytics to find it out. Besides, Phyllo's identity API has made it even easier to find this data. The API gives first-party influencer-consent data from their profile details to their audience.

5. Video performance

This metric measures the performance of individual videos --- average watch time, retention rate, a drop-off point, etc.

By tracking video performance you can assess which video format gets the highest engagement. Based on this, shortlist the right influencer and plan your campaign.

6. Channel growth

The growth of an influencer's Youtube channel is important, as consistent growth depicts credibility and engagement. It will also give you an overview of their posting cadence and any highs or troughs throughout their journey. With Phyllo's identity API, you get this data.

7. Traffic source

This metric shows you different avenues the audience is finding a particular influencer. Did they do a Youtube search, or are they being redirected from any other channel? It's a helpful metric as you can analyze which channel generates more traffic to Youtube influencers' content. Based on this information, create your promotional strategy.

For example, leverage that channel if most of the traffic comes from LinkedIn. Repurpose the influencer's content into a LinkedIn carousel or share video snippets.

8. Viewers' feedback

Creator's video comment section is one of the underutilized metrics to vet influencers. You can assess if the content resonates with their audience by reviewing a few comments. The comment section will also give unfiltered feedback on the influencer's content. Go to the influencer's video, and below the description, you'll find the comment section.

Read Also: Youtube API Integration: For Developers of the Creator Economy

How to find Youtube influencer analytics?

Several influencer analytics gives you a holistic view of important influencer metrics. From influencer finder to analyzing the campaign's performance, these tools help you with everything.

One helpful tool is Phyllo, which offers accurate public and consented data. One pain point Phyllo solves is that you don't need to build APIs for data extraction. The whole process is costly and difficult to manage so many APIs. So, Phyllo helps you with its universal API feature — A single API to collect influencer data across multiple platforms.

Check out this article to get a list of the 13 best influencer marketing tools.

Deciding which metrics to track: One major factor to consider

You can track many metrics, which we have discussed above. All those metrics might or might not be relevant to your campaign. And, if you choose the wrong metrics to find YouTube influencers, it will cost you money, time, and effort.

We asked marketers which factors they consider to assess which metric to track.

Ariel Levin, CEO of Soul-B2B marketing, considers the brand objective, campaign budget, and target audience to make their decision. He says, "The budget for the campaign will also play a role in determining which metrics I look at. For example, if the budget is limited, I might focus more on cost-effective metrics, such as engagement rate or social media following."

Alwin Lei, CMO at SEOAnt, says they consider influencers' topic expertise based on their audience. Their audience is young e-commerce entrepreneurs running Shopify shops and other marketplaces. He says, "YouTube influencers that are topic experts in the e-commerce niche are our go-to option for most of our campaigns. We also check to see if they cover dropshipping and SEO to help us get more qualified leads when we partner with them."

In a nutshell, here are the following factors you must consider:

1. Campaign's goal

Tie every metric you consider to the goal you want to achieve with a particular influencer marketing campaign. For example, see how metrics vary depending on the goal of the campaign:

2. Target audience

The audience of influencers must match the audience you want to reach. Despite the influential power of a youtube creator, if they cater to a different audience, they won't help you achieve your campaign goals.

3. Influencer subject matter expertise

This is the least considered factor. Many brands might partner with an influencer and teach them. But, if you are in B2B SaaS, you must consider influencers in the same niche. Help them understand your product; they'll create the best content based on their expertise.

4. Budget for your campaign

The money you have at your disposal also matters. With a low budget, you must restrict your reach to budget-friendly influencers.

Way forward

Once you understand your campaign goal, decide which metric would give you a holistic picture of an influencer campaign's performance. If you are unable to find the right metric, try Phyllo. With different APIs, you get authenticated and most accurate public data of influencers that will help you find and vet the influencers and drive higher engagements via influencer marketing campaigns.

Prateek Panda

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